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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-04-21 20:25:26



Aquaholics are people who have become addicted to drinking water over the past few years. They’ve been lured by the promises of better skin, a detoxed body and more energy, but soon feel they can’t manage without regular sips of water — and feel panicky if they have to go without for even short lengths of time.


Drinking large amounts of water, particularly at the end of the day, can disrupt sleep, experts suggest. Over-hydration is linked to many of the extreme sweating problems, too. Drinking too much water too quickly can even lead to water intoxication.

专家表示,饮用大量水会扰乱睡眠,尤其在晚间。过量饮水(over-hydration)还会导致各种多汗相关的疾病。短时间内大量喝水甚至会引起水中毒(water intoxication)。

According to NHS advice, most adult women need only around 1.6 liters of fluids in general (rather than water, specifically) a day, and men around two liters, to keep the body working efficiently. All drinks can count towards this target — including hot drinks such as tea and coffee, milk and fruit juices and even the water contained in foods such as fruits and vegetables.



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