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小学二年级英语教案-How many green birds教案

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-03-04 22:41:25

要想学好小学英语需要掌握科学的方法,而课前预习阅读教案是提高小学生英语学习水平最好的方法,为了能够使大家轻松学好小学英语,下面学大教育网为大家带来小学二年级英语教案-How many green birds教案,希望能够提高同学们的英语学习效果。


1. 语言技能目标

1)How many blue birds?hello good morning

happy new year/

Where’s my pen.?

It’s on/in/under….

2) how are you?

How old are you ?

I’m seven……

2. 能熟练认读以下单词:bed Look. where in on under

One two three four five six ….

Red blue yellow greeen…….

Teaching steps:

Step 1. Warming-up

1. Greeting

Hello boys and girls

Pleased to meet you!

Sing the song:

I can sing the rainbow …….

2. Listen and sing,

Step 2. Presentation

1. Show some cards:Look at the .. in on under bed Kite. pencil, eraser

Way: 1) look my mouse and guess, which word ;green/yellow…..

2) Ask two groups to read,

3) where ‘s the red bird /

Way :where ‘s the…..?

It’s on/in/under….

2 Play game;

high and low voice : It is on/in/undrer …….?

Yes it is.

No it isn’t.

3.listen to the tape and read book..

4.do the A exercise. check it with their classmates.

Step3 Self check

Discuss any problems about pronounce.


Listen and read after the tape. 4

review( newspaper)

Step 1. Revision

Greeting: 1. Hello. Good morning/ afternoon/noon,

How old are you !

I’m seven/eight/eleven,

how are you?

Pleased to meet you.

Where’s my pen.?

The pen is on/in/under….

Yes ,it is.

2 Sing the song about:

Look at the tree.

What can you see up in the tree

So many kites for me and you

Step 2. Presentation

1: show some cards :

One –twelve

Red/yellow /blue….

Look at the…

where in hat on under bed Fox. Kite. House. Dog

2. ask two students to show

1)Where’s the blue pen.?

The blue pen is on/in/under….

2) how many blue birds?

One two three four five six…..

2 listen to the tape ask some students to read student’s book page 4-5

Step 3. Practice it.

1. ask one boy Where’s my pen.?

One girl The pen is on/in/under….

2 Together:: Where’s my pen.?

The pen is on/in/under….

(boys ask the girls)

2. learn this chant

the hat, hat, hat,Is in my hand, hand ,hand

boys an girls to complete

4. do the newspaper. New words…

Step 4. Homework.

Listen the tape ,read it page4-5

上面是学大教育网小编为大家精心准备的小学二年级英语教案-How many green birds教案,希望同学们在学习小学英语的时候要好好阅读教案,想要获取更多的英语教案内容,请查阅学大教育网。

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